Kathie Bluejacket
Member Since February 12, 2022
phone 719-440-5812
email [email protected]
Colorado Springs, CO 80922 United States
apartment Kathie Bluejacket
I have been a business broker for 15+ years with 2 different business brokerages in Colorado Springs, CO. I started as a business broker with Affiliated Business Brokers, Inc and then moved my license to another Business Brokerage in Colorado. I have very varied experience in negotiating the sale of business opportunities from 300K to well over 4 M. I mostly work as a transaction broker since I have been marketing and selling my own listings. I complete the sale by working with both the seller(s) and buyers(s). Since I have been working in this field for so many years, I’m well known and have a great reputation. I love what I do and I'm more than willing to help any seller or buyer who would need my expertise and advice
Specialty Areas
- Auto Related Businesses
- Business Services
- Construction
- Entertainment & Recreation
- Food & Beverage
- Health Care/Social Assistance
- Manufacturing
- Print and Media
- Retail Trade
- Transportation