Rodrigo Vilches
Member Since November 23, 2023
phone (954) 450-2000
email [email protected]
Plantation, FL 33324-4465 United States
apartment United Realty Group, Inc.
Born in Chile from Spaniards parents, I left the country at an early stage due to political and regional issues, I expend time in Europe to finally landed in USA. Fluent in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, this international background along my education in the field of economics and business allows me to understand the different angles in the approach to business, developing business and finding funding and financing. More than 24 years in the field of commercial real estate and investments help me to understand my customers in a better way, knowledge and experience together becomes very powerful allies when my client's need it that very precise and vital advice, I'm here to help you to get the project together in the most efficient and practical way.
Specialty Areas
- Accommodations
- Agriculture
- Auto Related Businesses
- Business Services
- Construction
- Entertainment & Recreation
- Finance & Insurance
- Food & Beverage
- Industrial Services
- Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Real Estate Rental & Leasing
- Retail Trade
- Wholesale Trade