Image Profile

Ed Seger Sr

Member Since September 9, 2021
phone 7166849081
Icon location 189 Pavement Road
Lancaster, NY 14086 United States
apartment E4E Business Advisors
Ed Seger is an experienced entrepreneur involved in the purchase and sale of over 20 businesses he has owned. He is taking that experience along with his education in business and certifications to help sell your business. Ed continues to have an amazing entrepreneurial career. Senior partner at NCBBB, CEO of SCI, COO of Pine Hill Fabricators and has owned and operated several successful businesses. Leading authority on buying, selling and improving businesses, as well as increasing a business’s revenue streams. Ed is an expert in writing business plans and teaches strategic planning to many small growing businesses. Ed understands both sides of the sale including the buyer and seller as well and the transition of final sales. His experience is indicative of dedication and persistence. Ed makes sure the job gets done the right way and the profitable way. NCBB’s mission is to always deliver more than is customer expectation.
Specialty Areas
  • Entertainment & Recreation
  • Food & Beverage
  • Retail Trade
  • Technical Services


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