JT Harp
Member Since April 12, 2023
phone 5137257283
email [email protected]
Cincinnati, OH 45208-2103 United States
apartment Transworld Business Advisors of Cincinnati
J.T. was born and raised on a large family farm in Ross County, Ohio. In addition to working on the family farm, J.T. started as a bagger with the Kroger Company at 16. After graduating from The Ohio State University, he continued his food retail career with Kroger over 30 total years. Some of his many leadership positions included Corporate Director in Cincinnati, Regional Vice President of Merchandising, and Regional Vice President of Operations. He then was recruited to join Pacific Northwest Discount Retailer Bi-Mart as Chief Operating Officer. Along the way, he and his wife Kendi started, owned, and sold a small business in Central Ohio. Recently, J.T. has returned to his home state of Ohio to open his own business intermediary office with the largest business advisory company in the world, Transworld Business Advisors. Contact him today!
Specialty Areas
- Accommodations
- Agriculture
- Arts
- Auto Related Businesses
- Business Services
- Construction
- eCommerce
- Education Services
- Entertainment & Recreation
- Finance & Insurance
- Food & Beverage
- Health Care/Social Assistance
- Industrial Services
- Information
- Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Print and Media
- Public Administration
- Real Estate Rental & Leasing
- Retail Trade
- Technical Services
- Transportation
- Waste Management
- Wholesale Trade