Lou Sabbagh
Member Since December 28, 2020
phone (832) 533-4040
Houston, TX 77027-4433 United States
apartment Budget Business Brokers & Intercap USA
Lou Sabbagh is a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) and a Certified M&A Professional (CMAP). He has over 31 years experience with a major oil and gas service company with 8 years of those as an account manager at a major international oil company. Lou has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from U of K. During his O&G carrier he held several operations and sales management positions both international and domestic. His entrepreneurial experience extends to establishing and selling an importing and distributing business in New York State. In the last five years, he has run a consulting company and had the opportunity to be part of a leading business brokerage company for more than 3 years. Lou and Nicole provide a complete service and support to sellers and buyers of businesses with or without commercial real estate.
Specialty Areas
- Accommodations
- Agriculture
- Arts
- Auto Related Businesses
- Business Services
- Construction
- eCommerce
- Education Services
- Entertainment & Recreation
- Finance & Insurance
- Food & Beverage
- Health Care/Social Assistance
- Industrial Services
- Information
- Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Print and Media
- Public Administration
- Real Estate Rental & Leasing
- Retail Trade
- Technical Services
- Transportation
- Waste Management
- Wholesale Trade