Business Broker Basics Program
The Business Broker Basics online program will help the aspiring or new business broker succeed by providing the student with information about the Business Brokerage profession and the kinds of inherent skills necessary for success. The program delineates all the steps in the business-selling process and each chapter focuses on the various topics from finding a business to sell to closing the deal. When you have completed it, you will by no means be an expert. Rather, you will know the basics. Such knowledge will help you determine if this profession is for you. And, if so, you will now have a roadmap for success.
Every chapter of the program is taught by experienced and talented instructors, each with years of experience in their specialized fields. They will teach you about topics including: Business Brokerage definitions and concepts; understanding financial statements; locating and working with sellers; valuing businesses; using listing agreements; business pricing and marketing; qualifying and working with buyers; negotiating the deal; due diligence; closing the transaction; and most importantly, ethics and professional behavior.
The Business Broker Basics online training is a not-for-credit program that will take about 15 hours to complete depending upon previous knowledge and experience.
Prerequisites: None
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