Course 202D: Establishing Most Probable Sales Price (MPSP) for Dental Practices

Starts Tuesday, May 25th 2021
Register by Friday, May 21st 2021


This course will provide a brief overview of recasting financials and of the various business pricing approaches that exist, and then provide detailed instruction on the use of the Capitalization Method for dental practices.

This course is geared for:

  • Practicing general Business Brokers who wish to build competency in brokering dental practices for sale.
  • Business Brokers currently specializing in dental practices who want to improve their financial recasting and pricing acumen.
  • Anyone who is pursuing the CBI-D certification.

Students should have a working familiarity with business brokerage concepts and the course content assumes understanding of fundamental recasting and pricing principles. It is highly recommended that students have previously completed IBBA courses #210, #220 and #221.

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